Friday, 6 March 2009

Student-Staff Panel Minutes


The minutes of the latest Student-Staff Panel meeting is now available on the School Web Site from the web page
(You may need to enter your Cardiff University Network name and password to be able to access this page).

A copy is also on display on the "Feedback Noticeboard" in the ground floor corridor between M/0.40 and M/0.07 together with the feedback information that has been passed onto staff regarding the issues raised.

The next meeting of the Student-Staff Panel has provisionally been scheduled for Friday 20th March. Please pass onto your Year Representatives any further matters that you would liked raised at this meeting.

Feel free to add any comments also regarding the student-staff panel minutes below

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Maths Support Service - Easter Period: MATHS-MS0100

Please note that the Maths Support Service will close over the Easter Break (Sat 28th March - Sun 1th April). For the remaining two weeks of the semester after Easter a full service will be available but only a reduced service will be available during guided study week and the examination period (full times/details TBC).

So if you have any Mathematical or Statistical queries, don't leave it!! Come along and have a chat with one of tutors who will do whatever they can to help.

Current hot topics include:

- Differential Equations
- Log graphs
- Matrices

Spring Semester Timetable 0809 (Excluding Easter Break)
Monday: 12.00-14.00, Student Support Centre, Cardigan House (Heath)
Tuesday: 11.00-13.00, School of Mathematics, Room M0.37
Wednesday: 11.00-13.00, School of Mathematics, Room M0.37
Thursday: 11.00-13.00, School of Mathematics, Room M0.37
Friday: 11.00-13.00, School of Mathematics, Room M0.37

PLEASE NOTE: Statistical assistance is now also available during all sessions.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Magic Squares lecture (Friday 27 February - 12:10pm)

A popular lecture on Magic Squares will be given by Professor Anatoly Zhigljavsky on Friday, February 27 at 12.10 in M/0.40.

All are welcome.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Final Year Class Tests Dates

The list below gives you the dates of the Class Tests for the Spring Semester. Homeworks will be distributed around these, and it is quite likely that you may have to work on homework during the same week that you are preparing for tests. Notice that in two of these weeks there are two tests during the same week, this is because we want to have all the tests over with before the Easter break. The Discrete Optimisation test in week 9 (25/3/09) is in the time of a Fluids class, which will be rescheduled to the previous week.

Stochastic Models 4/3/09 Wednesday

Experimental Design 9/3/09 (Monday)

Medical Stats 12/3/09 (Thursday)

Financial Maths 17/3/09 (Tuesday)

Internet Security 23/3/09 (Monday)

Discrete Optimisation 25/3/09 (Wednesday)